Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Encik Rama & Encik Aidil
It's different from last year, which my officemate @ PTPL shah alam kept me suffering with their requests. I was sewing like hell, and being the last person balik kampung.
This year, I managed to plan my schedule.. Haha! I've stopped taking the order 2 weeks before the date that I've planned to go back home.. although the income was not as much as last year, I still felt so satisfied since all my customers were satisfied with my work , and the most happiest thing is, i'm the FIRST PERSON who 'balik kampung' this year..hahaha.. sejarah takkan mungkin berulang, ok!
We were all wearing in purple on the 1st of Syawal and the feel for Hari Raya is quite different compared to last year.
why? hehe..
on the 6th day of Syawal, I was turned to 26! ( haiiyaaa, feel like only yesterday I celebrated my 2oth birthday with my friends at Seroja)
My beloved mom and angah prepared a special menu for us on that day. My wink-wink also came with a chocolate cake prepared by his mom. Thank you everybody (including to those who were still remembered my birthday)! Love u all so much!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin
* tempahan baju dibuka semula pada bulan November & Disember. Oktober- REHAT.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
no time to online..
but got no time to online... sooooooo bz with projects, programmes, researches.. huwaaa =(
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
my broken handphone

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... my handphone died already..
i've bought it in June 2007 and after 2 years, here it goes..
I've snapped this picture using my new low cost handphone
(since there is actually no budget for handphone)
so, my friends, my students, I've lost all ur phone numbers.
They are inside that dead body of W850i.
Please update me with ur phone number.
Sorry for this inconvenient situation.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
me @ their blogs
I read my name..
she wrote about me, hah.. written in chinese language..
errrkkk.. lucky, i have jue and inoq to translate them for me, and also
'free online translator'..hihi
when I explored & explored, there were few more.. fuhh..
"sorry girls, teacher read ur blogs without permission, hehe" ..
hmm, i'll be missing them very much and really appreciate all the good wishes from all of them..
hope to see them again =(
*Au Hwi Ni - cool, obedient and always shows respect
so quiet and never give problems to me during class, lucky to have this girl in my class
*Neo Wan Qing - quiet , humble and soft spoken
really enjoyed working together with this girl on her KH project, love to see her efforts!
(ooo, ngumpat pasal teacher eh, wan qing, ;-)..)
*Rachel Lee - love to smile , smart and obedient
she's always make me waiting when I asked her question, "teacher talked so fast ha?" she needed time to understand me, maybe..=)
* Yong Jun - playful , funny and naughty
she's enjoying her age very much =) ..
put me in danger if she combined her 'naughty skills' with Jun Fang.. haha
*Jia Min - obedient , very warm and always smiling
so friendly , and always make me comfortable when I with her =)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
practical training @ TIGS
3 months I've been at TIGS, sign in at 7.00am (sometimes late,hahha), sign out at about 3.00pm, from Monday to Friday.
Of course, I've learned a lot. Uncountable memories will I keep in my mind, without fail.
Let me share some with u, readers :
1. I've experienced by myself on how the school keep struggling to maintain the reputation of this school as one of the smart school in Malaysia
2. I've learned a lot on electronic and invention (Kemahiran Hidup)
3. I've confronted with the situation where 'bias' were everywhere
4. I've learned to deal with the students from different level (cemerlang,sederhana,lemah)
5. I've learned how to pronounce the chinese students names - wan qing, wen qing, jia xin, and many more (it's interesting!)
6. AND the best part is, studying the various behaviours of these 14 years old girls.
They are sweet, sensitive, pampered, showing anger whenever they want =). It is fun to share these feelings with them, to watch them being happy and sometimes mourn.
Hope all of them are doing good in their studies and be a successful woman in the future. Insya-Allah
Friday, July 24, 2009
stress management @ TIGS
Yeah..we’ve conducted a study skills workshop for the form 2 students at TIGS.. with this workshop, we’ve completed one of the requirements that had been set by the faculty as well as the ministry, for us, the DPLI students.
I’ve been given responsibilities to give a talk regarding stress management, and within limited talking times, I managed to give the students few techniques on how to handle stress.
1. Keep in silence for a while
2. Laugh out loud
3. Take a break, have a walk, stretch urself
4. Imagine sweet things that has ever happened to u
5. Think positive
At my own side, I do not deny that me, myself regularly get stresses, with everything around me. I’ve learned from someone, to be calm, we should motivate ourselves, remember Allah. All the challenges that we have to go through just to make us get prepare to encounter the future world that nobody know how will it be..
"if i'm not doing, i will not learning"
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
'kerja kayu' project @ TIGS
from B.Sc (Hons) Hotel Management to Kemahiran Hidup..
looks like these 2 areas are very close related, but the reality is...there are a lot of new things to learn and catch up within one year..
last time, i had conducted several electronic classes which made me feels like a walking reference book, just because i memorized every single things about electronic without having a chance to try and applied it by my own
now, here i am, a new born carpenter at Temenggong Ibrahim Girl School, Batu Pahat.. a project of 'kerja kayu' that needs to be settle before I complete my practical training by end of this July.
The project title is : Multipurpose Box

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
english usage in T&L process@school
YES! it can be implements but not now.. many parties have to be given mental awake for this matter, especially parents.
English has to be practices at home.
The children needs to be expose with English, since they get to know the world. It doesn't matter how much your pour them with English words as long as they know the basics. So, they'll have the view of how important is English for their lives. And when they learn Bahasa Inggeris for the first time at school, they will not be far away left behind, from the other students who already learned speaking english with their parents at home.
I have the experiences teaching in two different tuition centres at Shah Alam for this 2 critical subjects. I realized that Tuition A got potential students which the students came from the background of families, which their parents are teachers, lecturers and doctors. Of course, English words are very common to this level of students.
However, Tuition B got some poor students which I felt so =( when I listened to their pronounciation of English and they gave me a lot of works to do in order to get them knew every little words in the exercise books...I remembered, there was a standard 5 student, named Afiq. He didn't even know a word from the maths book. How can he settled the mathematics problems if he didn't know the definitions of the English words.
Every class, I sit beside him, and I gave extra attention to him since he will stopped writing when i didn't put my eyes at his pencil. And I knew this student came from a family who not practice english at home. I've got clueless feelings to Afiq. So, many questions pop out in my mind. How will this boy pass his UPSR? How did he settles his maths and science before? How will he manages his secondary school subjects afterwards? At the age of 11, he needs to cover so many english words and wrapped them in his mind, before he sits for UPSR, do you think he can do it? I'm sure he'll get stressessssss..
Helps your sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, cousins to be close to english.. Practice speak English while they are at home. Make them comfortable with the language and I'm sure this implementation of english usage in teaching and learning process at school will be successful with the cooperations from all parties.
Good luck to my ex-students - Armada Ilmu & Visi Terbilang, Section 7, Shah Alam.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Stizzer Western Food @ Damansara Uptown
This was the second time i've been here, which I've decided to take this pictures and post them in my blog. Why? Because, I, as well as my friend were so satisfied with these 2 visits. The service was very quick, the portion was big, the main item and sauce are still hot (although it was not sizzling) and of course, cheap! If you want to have chicken chop, it just costed you RM8.00 and the chicken was breaded finely and you'll have the crunchy bites everytime the chicken was in your mouth.
You will never ask for extra sauce, since they poured enough sauce on the item..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Farm Town @ Facebook

i'm searching for harvesting job at marketplace
You need to have a facebook account and then, you can browse for this game.
This game requires you to build a farm which you can plant seeds, trees, adopts animals, build homes for you and the animals.
By the way, in order to get all these things inside your farm, you need to have enough coins, which you can earn it by working at the other players' farms. You need to search for any jobs at marketplace and your job is just harvesting
why this game is interesting?
because you can chat with your friends like having a conference.
You can get to know other peoples from other countries, besides you can visit their farms and discover how the other players manage their farms.
you can hire people as well, and add them as your buddies , which you can always keep in touch with them. =)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
MK Restaurant & Bistro
the eaters
rate : 5/5 (cute-cute isn't it? hahaha)
MK Restaurant & Bistro is located at Batu Pahat Mall, nearby the left side entrance. My friend was craving for western food and since this is the first restaurant that we passed by, so we just went inside and choosed these seats. The prices of the menus were quite expensive but the taste was =( .. with these price, better you go and eat at Uptown Damansara, if you're sooooo craving for western food ( far from Batu Pahat). I've been staying in JB since early 2009 and then move to Batu Pahat, nobody had recommended me the best place to eat western food (excluding hotels) . It must be because of the market demands.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
the Gz - exclusive video
Friendship duration : 2001 until ............... (forever)
this video had been created a long, long time ago.. early 2006, if i'm not mistaken.. last time, it could not be played and we assumed it as ' the file damaged already' and a few minutes ago, i tried to convert the file from WMV to AVI, and see.... it's working.. the file is recovered....
Please ignore some guy's names inside this video clip because they are no more related to our lives (especially to me and michelle), hahaha.. michelle is now happily engaged with her man.. and engaged 'virtually' with a guy's name starting with A also.. toink!
Mee Racun Batu Pahat
location? : Batu Pahat, somewhere behind Carrefour
Purpose : starving stomach looking for something delicious to eat .. and 'cheap'

here we go - MEE RACUN
it is highly recommended by the local people. (teachers @ school and my students)
taste : 4/5 price : rm3.50
Thursday, May 21, 2009

from the view of gigirls, for the info. to the boboys..
how u define scandal?
for me & my fellow friends, scandal means the other person that someone loves, besides her boyfriend.
why this things happened? according to Experiencers et al. , scandal takes place when
- the girlfriend got little attention from her boyfriend --> boyfriend is so busy studying/working, got no time to 'kring kring' her, to sms and even to have a cup of tea at any nearer mamak stalls or kopitiam..
- long distance love (PJJ) --> the girlfriend is a type of lady that always want to be by her boyfriend's side..when they are far apart, the girlfriend feels so lonely
- the boyfriend has lack of loving and caring skills --> the girlfriend hungers for cares and loves, and when she found someone else who can showers her with what she needs (including money, maybe?).................................
- the boyfriend is not her taste --> at the early part of being gf and bf, she thought he is the one..after few months/years, she changed her mind
- the boyfriend has another girlfriend --> it is one type of revenge..the girl said "u can do it, i also can do it 10 times than u"
scandal is not good for ur health and life.. It will become worst and terrible when u treat these 2 persons with same treatment (what treatment? haaa)
Be fair and be square. If u love him, love him as he is.. if u love another person, u need to choose between these 2 options..
do not make ur life hocus pocus, escaping as well as hiding here and there, and at the end of the story, u still have to choose only ONE..
always remember "what u give, u'll get back" ..
good luck to all of u guys, may ur relationship will last forever.. =)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
build-a-lot 3 - Passport to Europe

- plan what to build
- what building to demolish
- inspect and repair the buildings
- painting and upgrading your houses
- hire workers
- ensure enough materials for buildings and repairing
- good planning on how to let your neighborhood area become fun and attractive (build place of interests)
- make sure all the neighbors are happy living beside each others
try this game on your pc/laptop, but do not try within your neighborhood areas..u'll be dead, then..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Diamond Makes Ur Dress Brighter and Happier!
I remembered once when i was still studying in UiTM Shah Alam, we were so excited to attend our Malam Pra Graduan (MPG) dinner that was held during our final semester (that was the first and last MPG dinner that we've attended).. everybody was looking for the greatest dress and strive very hard to wear the most attractive dress on that nite..
As usual, I sewed my own dress and I wish that I could sew some diamonds at the bottom of the dress, however, because there was no time, I just put some glue on it .. UHU glue..hahaha.. and I warned all my friends to stop their fingers from picking and plucking my diamonds...however...people never listened...
fuuhhhh.. first time?
what's the main purpose of blogging ha? for me, i just want to share my interests with u, readers..
i love to sew (1) , eating at unique places (2), andddd..... of course playing pc games (3)
erkk..warning!! my english is not too good.. so, if there's any grammatical mistakes, just avoid keeping ur mouth wide open, relax and ermm.. u're only allow to 'vibrate laughing without sound'.. ok kan?